It is often said that “all work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy”. But we ain’t Jack, we are eZee and we take fun seriously so, we always manage to have our sweet time to loosen up every once in a while to boost our mastery and efficiency. This can be considered as a secret of our work ethos. This time we went to Pluz Resort for our two-day picnic where we also had our Annual General Meeting.

Work hard to enjoy the leisure;
Play harder at leisure to shine through at your work later

The breeze of a pleasant eZeeness flew through the window panes of all those three buses in which the entire eZee clan had departed on 23rd June from Surat HQ with the playful reciprocation of the thoughts among one another. This breeze of zesty time-out broke the office paradigms and brought all the eZee employees into an everlasting friendly spirit which made this picnic a much celebrated time.

eZee Annual Picnic and AGM - 2018

We had archived our Annual General Meeting along with the picnic this time, which added a new glint to the trip. It was overwhelming to have our prime partner, Mr. Imtiyaz Adamjee, the owner and founder of Hifin Technosys, Kenya. He accompanied us as the chief guest of the meeting.

He celebrated eZee’s prosperity along with us and was equally nostalgic about his journey with the company. His words somehow filled us with a great excitement and we dashed forward gleefully to the rest of the day.

Later to the AGM, we had an intriguing pool party along with rain dance where we had set our spirits waving to the played tracks but, the party had just started then and the clan danced their feet out in the DJ night later to that. This party was then extended to Shaam-e-Ghazal where the poets amongst us poured their hearts out. That day was indeed exhilarating!

On the next day, we started fresh with Yoga and later played exciting games, followed by a photo session. Then we happily ended our trip with the certificate distribution to Workaholics and team members with regular attendance and an amazing lunch gathering.

During all this time while we were busy having fun, the support team kept up the integrity of the promise of round the clock running support to the clients and the partners by working on their respective shifts.
Joy, togetherness, rejuvenation, and thrill – the trip had everything that was anticipated and the memory of the fun times during the picnic will always be celebrated.

For sneak peek into our chuffed events and news:

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